Hearing Conservation

The manufacturing and processing sectors can be noisy businesses. And too often, the noise that comes with manufacturing and processing is accepted as part of the process, but those noises can have long-lasting consequences in the form of hearing loss.

Irreversible hearing loss can occur gradually over time or suddenly in one or both ears. That’s why protecting your ears during day-to-day activities at work and home is vital to prevent potentially lifelong hearing loss.

The good news is that noise-induced hearing loss is 100% preventable by wearing the right PPE for the job or situation and incorporating a Hearing Conservation Program at your workplace to educate and build awareness about hearing protection.

The resources on this page are here to help you and your organization prevent hearing loss due to noise in the workplace.

Download the poster below.

Informational PDFs

Hearing safety in the workplace and hearing conservation information courtesy of Workplace NL.

YouTube Links

Hearing safety, protection, and conservation videos courtesy of Work Safe BC and NIOSH.

Work safe.  Home safe.  Every day.